Mac OSX C Development:

In order to compile C code on your MacOS machine you will first need to install the most recent version of Xcode and the Comand Line tools from here.

I also recommend that you install the iterm2 package from here. The iTerm2 terminals are much easier to use on a Mac because you can cut-and-paste between them.

The default shell for MacOSX is zsh, however, our labs will assume you are runing bash. They are pretty close, but there may be some small differences. This web page page provides instructions on how to change from zsh to bash.

Xcode will install a compiler called clang. However, Apple creates additional confusion because the command gcc will be aliased to the clang compiler, which is quite different.

If you decide to install the true gcc compiler, you will first need to install the HomeBrew Package Manager from here. Once HomeBrew is installed, you will be able to use it to install gcc.

The git package is typically already available on MacOS, but you can also use HomeBrew to install the newest version of git.